Deepest Love - Good Friday
/I am always so moved in the way Jesus shows up and changes hearts with the way He moves and works during the season of Lent, right into Holy Week. God paradoxically uses the events of Good Friday to become something so eternally beautiful. In the fullness of truth it was God’s will and plan for Jesus to go the cross in the greatest act of sacrifice so that we might have life. In the ‘Drama of Scripture’ it says that “Jesus chose the hard road into the kingdom: the road of humble service, self-giving love and sacrificial suffering. The way of Jesus is the way of the cross.” God thirsts for us to open our hearts and turn our faces towards him- not just during Holy Week or on Easter but always.
Why is Good Friday good anyways? Jesus died… how is that good? At first, it of course does not seem good, after all Jesus did die. But oh how glorious that event was because of what it means for us today! Only God could use Good Friday and Christ’s crucifixion, something so tragic and seemingly terrible to be something so eternally beautiful. The good news of Good Friday is that it is finished. We are so radically loved by God, the deepest sort of love that while we were still sinners, God gave us His son to die for us. God’s light shines through all darkness, Jesus conquered death by His work on the cross. We may try to get to Him, but instead he comes to us, He wishes to be with us. He entered into death and darkness so that we won’t have to. This indeed is the deepest love, bringing Victory and Salvation.
Image from Pinterest.
“He made Him to be sin who knew no sin” -1 Corinthians 5:21. He hung on a cross, bled for you and me, took on our sins into himself and in the darkest hour He breathed His last breath saying: “It is finished”-John 19:30. But, that is the Good News of Good Friday… There is nothing more we have to do, all the work has been done by Christ on the cross. He paid the price for our sins and died in our place. If we follow Jesus and accept Him in our hearts there is a very beautiful ending.
Jesus is the living water that is the spring to eternal life. Thirst for Jesus because he thirsts for you. Keep on entering with confidence and boldness into the presence of God- draw from him the endless resources available to us in Jesus Christ. If God is inviting us to participate in his life through Jesus as our High Priest and Mediator why would we not take him up on his offer?- He is God enough to save and man enough to understand us. Who do you say that Jesus is?
God does indeed work all things together for good (Romans 8:28) all for his Glory (Philippians 2:13). Even something seemingly bad, Christ’s crucifixion, was actually for good and it is eternally beautiful. We can rejoice because we know the best part of the story is coming… Sunday is coming… when Jesus is resurrected and conquers death on Easter!
Image from Pinterest.